Holiday Home Waste Collection Ltd
Trerice Orchard, Burlawn
PL27 7LE.

Telephone: 01208 815060
Mobile: 07814 934978

Waste and Rubbish Collection Service in CornwallHoliday Home Waste Collection

Rubbish and Waste Collection Service in Cornwall for Holiday Homes, Holiday Rental Properties and Holiday Lets

Holiday Home Waste Collection service cornwall logo

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I have to pay to have my holiday home rubbish collected?

By law, holiday lets and self-catering accommodation are not permitted to use the Council’s household collection service. The Controlled Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2012 set out how councils must deal with waste from holiday lets and self-catering accommodation. The legislation says that these premises are businesses and should pay for a commercial waste service, including collection and refuse disposal charges.

Do you sell bins?

We can provide a variety of bins for your holiday home and deliver them with your next collection.

Including wheelie bins, glass boxes, recycling boxes and dog poo bins.

Please call the office for our discounted prices and delivery.

When and where are my holiday home bins collected?

Your bins can be collected on a weekly basis or you can order collections on specific days - just let us know your schedule.

What goes in my holiday home bins and boxes?

We would like everyone to separate their waste into recyclable and non- recyclable items with glass separate. Recycling and non recycling need to be clearly marked normally black or blue for non-recycling and white or clear for recycling. We will take care of the rest.

When do I put the bins out?

There is no need to ask your guests or cleaners to put your holiday home bins out as we will collect them from their area and replace them again, with a new liner, when emptied. We will also clear any debris from broken bags to ensure the area is left clean for your next guests.

Do you collect commercial waste?

Holiday Home Waste Collection collects all commercial waste including holiday homes and businesses across Cornwall from as little as £3.50 per bag. Contact us for more details on commercial waste collection.

Where does my recycling go?

We are big on recycling at Holiday Home Waste Collection and we want our clients to be too.  Find out all about how we recycle your holiday home waste here.

Holiday Home Waste Recycling

Where does my waste go that can’t be recycled?

At Holiday Home Waste Collection Ltd we don't want to send anything to landfill.  General waste, which is also called residual waste, are items from businesses and households that cannot be recycled.  It includes materials such as non-recyclable plastics, polythene, some packaging and household scraps.  In the past, this waste has invariably been disposed of in landfill sites.

When we collect your general waste bags, recyclable waste is sorted and re-used to make new products and anything else is sent to a green energy plant where it’s processed and used to generate green energy.

We try our best to work with these new advances in technology, where several new ways of dealing with general waste have been found, ensuring that value – usually in the form of energy – is recovered from it. 

Occasionally some general waste is still disposed of using land fill, for example when the incinerator is out of use or when there have been break downs etc. However, we work closely with our providers to try to ensure that this is an occassional occurance and are constantly looking for options which will reduce the need for landfill, even on rare occassions.

Do you collect disposable nappies?

We offer disposable nappy collections, separate from the general waste and recycling.

Do you collect dog poo bins?

Dogs have wonderful holidays in Cornwall and to ensure that we all enjoy our time in Cornwall we ask that our clients buy a dog poo bin which we empty every time we visit, for free! The cost of the bin is £25.00 + VAT